HORIZON Version 13 to be released on time August 10th, 2020
This new version has a host of new features our clients have been asking for, giving the end users an incredible amount of flexibility in their LIMS as discussed in the V13 online preview July 10th. As is the case with any major advancement, some important housekeeping must be addressed before you can move to Version 13. The attached chart gives a rundown of the steps needed to move to Version 13. Most importantly, no client needs to be left behind! The chart gives an overview of updates required to go from Version 11.1 all the way to 13. Due keep in mind, Version 13 does require Oracle 19C. For questions regarding updates, please contact Client Support through the portal or by calling 919-855-8716, Option 1. HORIZON Lab Systems is committed to keeping the HORIZON LIMS up to date and compliant with laboratory industry standards. With each release, new features and tools are added that assist laboratories in staying one step ahead of the curve.