HORIZON’s LinkedIn Page
At HORIZON, we’re trying to keep all of our clients and prospects up and the latest happening. We’ve selected LinkedIn as the ideal social media platform for this use. Please follow our page at https://www.link edin.com/company/horizonlabsystems. We will try to keep this as up to date as possible with all of the latest happenings.
HORIZON Lab Systems will post Blog information under “INSIGHTS” on major events, however will use LinkedIn to post these events and smaller happenings at HORIZON. One to two blog post per month will appear online while LinkedIn will see at least one to two post per week. For any questions regarding HORIZON’s LinkedIn posting, please email sales@horizonlims.com or rbenz@horizonlims.com for Robert Benz, Account Manager/Marketing Manager.
LinkedIn will post will include all announcements for Topics from the Bench, conference schedules, pics from conferences, client events (new feature presentations, training, etc.), donations made by HORIZON as well as various other announcements by HORIZON or our parent company Clinsys.
Want us to follow your lab on LinkedIn? Just ask. LinkedIn is a great place to collaborate.